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Bye bye Firefox secure first

Bye bye Firefox security first: Many admins Tekmar Solutions works with swear by the Firefox Browser. We like it too. But rarely use it with Office 365 or other transaction oriented situations. Admins will have to say bye bye to Firefox secure first effective in March...

Sites Infected with CryptXXX Ransomware

Sites Infected with CryptXXX Ransom-ware Over 2,000 WordPress - and Joomla-Based are known to be infected. According to Trend Micro most sites infected with CrptXXX Ransom-ware are aimed primarily at US users followed by France and Japan. Sites infected with CryptXXX...

Cryptolocker Malware prevention

Although it is the last item on the Legal Tech News Nine Steps to Fight Crypto Locker, this rapidly changing exploit needs more attention...Cryptolocker Malware prevention requires awareness. Training everybody you know and work with is the answer. "Security Awareness...

Cable Wifi

One of our customers found themselves proud owners of some new- technology from Time Warner Business Class. We got the call yesterday because although they are paying for cable internet service, it didn’t include wireless. So we installed a used 450 Mbps Wireless...

Best reason to IT Blueprint

Best reason to IT Blueprint (Clouds, IT Blueprint, Technology) The best reason to IT Blueprint...peace-of-mind.           I•T (eye tee) Blue•Print (blo͞oˈprĭntˌ) n. A contact print of a drawing or other image rendered as white lines on a blue...