Getting my standing desk back in place after 7 months in a seat is a good. What a relief. When I started the standing desk, I was using cases to elevate the monitors and it really worked. Tekmar got really busy at the end of the April, fighting cybercrime and covering a help desk for one of our clients. I took the standing desk down because the cabinets were needed elsewhere and I wasn’t in the office as much. The benefits of getting back to the standing desk can’t be disputed.

Now one can buy a standing desk from many source and they are more affordable than you think. Here is amazon’s choice for $39 and free shipping, if you are a prime member. Here are other options from Amazon.


Many of still want a more of a full sized desk. Especially for dual monitors, which are recommended. There is almost no expense in setting up a temporary standing desk. As I’ve done as pictured below. I just took a couple old trade in machines waiting for recycling. I’m using a box toner for the correct keyboard placement.daves-improvised-standing-desk2The health benefits are the best thing about desks as noted in the authority nutrition’s site, 7 Science- Based Benefits article. “Sitting too much is seriously bad for your health. People who sit a lot have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and early death. Additionally, sitting all the time burns very few calories, and many studies have linked it to weight gain and obesity.” Their representation looks a lot better than my thrown together assemblage. But then their image is a cartoon and mine really works. 

While I don’t think that a standing desk is the end all and be all solution, nothing really is, a standing desk is a good change for me. It is definitely in the spectrum that business people should consider. After running Tekmar for twenty years plus years from my chair it was a relief to do some standing work. It works to get me on my feet when I am in the office. It helps my back feel better. Make the time behind the desk and on the phone flow faster.