Tekmar Solutions, Inc.
– Technology with a purpose
The purpose of technology is to make tasks easier for the people getting them done. Technology with a Purpose™ is 24×7 measuring and monitoring systems performance so IT is faster and secure. Tekmar Solutions Inc helps people get the most out of their technology investment, both in time and money. Computer systems, devices and components are computational and connected meaning monitoring, measuring results and security against similar users is possible. Following specific defined programs and using the interfaces correctly needs oversight to keep technology and processes in top operating condition.
We have come to rely on computers and the internet some much that it is integrated in the very fabric of living our lives. A potential problem for most home and business users is the time, energy and know-how to keep operations in a a changing world flowing. That is what Tekmar Solutions offers our customers – Time, Energy and Know-How via our proven IT Blueprint technology.
IT Blueprints are the foundation of smarter information systems. Your business success depends on a solid foundation: fast access to data, uninterrupted operation, and most of all security. Tekmar Solutions offers a low-cost, easy-to-implement solution for all the ways you and your employees access data — any devices, anywhere.
Plans include threat protection, business continuity, remote support and multi-device support. Plans start at $10 per device with no long-term contracts. The system is lightweight and can be snoozed or easily removed.
Working from anywhere is a necessity today. Get your IT strategy session.
Investment Agents and Agencies
Work Order and Invoice Processors
Personal and Business Data Retention
Custom Software and Apps,
1830 Banking Street
Greensboro, NC 27408
(336) 373-1105
Complex systems made simple.
Mindful Support For All Technology Users
Tekuser Support
In this time of pandemic, it is important not to panic. It is a scary time. Anxiety is high. We are living in unpresented times. There are many valid comparisons, and none need to be our central focus, if it is yours, try this simple mantra, “everyone is doing the best they can, and if they could do better the world, do better.” Here in central North Carolina, there is no need to be going out unless necessary. If we do need to go out for a specific reason, use your mindfulness of technology, wear a cloth face mash.
We keep our same daily business hours and recommend businesses and individuals do the same. Our primary meeting software’s Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, Zoom and LogMeIn. The telephone is great too. Criminals are not taking a break. In fact, intrusions are up because of the new ways People are working. The good news is we are offering a thirty minute free Audit Lite Tech check-up to all our customers and prospects. If you have not had yours yet, call today.
The IT Blueprint Business Continuity Plan (Now for home users too.)
Protect your business data, productivity, and web presence with continuous monitoring of your entire IT system. The IT Blueprint Business Continuity Plan provides three crucial services:
A blueprint of your software, systems, and user profiles. Avoid downtime from systems failure and user turnover.
Up-to-the minute notice of software updates and security upgrades. Most of these can be applied remotely.
Monitoring and support for all your devices and workstations. Keep your systems running fast and lean.
Contact us today for a customized plan and start with a 30-day free trial. No long-term contracts!
Start Your Free Trial