Bike lanes are tech friendly
Bike lanes don’t sound as tech friendly as they are. They are needed to keep and extend Greensboro’s tech friendly infrastructure. Bike lanes make people happier technology users. Bikes are some of the friendliest technology of all, not digital of course, even if you are using map my ride. It is because of their green nature. Sign the petition to make Greensboro more tech friendly.

Businesses and the whole community benefit
Companies increasingly want to locate in bicycle-friendly places as a way to attract the young workers they need in order to thrive, especially in competitive tech and creative fields. Not just aesthetically pleasing and environmentally conservative, Bike lanes increase the entire areas worth.
Greene street is central to cycling around town and the best way to connect up the greenway, one of our towns best green resources with Greene St is to include it in this project: “Plans are in the works to convert Greene Street to 2-way, which is welcome news. However, the Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT) left bike infrastructure out of the picture!
Downtown Greensboro Benefits
Greene street is central to cycling around town. It is a great way to connect up the Greenway, one of our towns fabulous green resources with Greene St is to include it in this project: “Plans are in the works to convert Greene Street to 2-way, which is welcome news. However, the Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT) left bike infrastructure out of the picture!
Greene St is one of the most important roads downtown. Let’s get it right. The main entrance to the courthouse and the Family Justice Center are located on Greene. There are places where all kinds of people — whether on foot, on a bike, in a car, or riding transit — need to be able to access safely. It is Greensboro’s responsibility to provide the proper infrastructure to enable all people to do just that… travel as safely as possible, regardless of their mode of transportation.
Instead of creating 2 southbound lanes and one northbound for the convenience of those using the parking decks during rush hours, the city should eliminate one of the southbound lanes, leaving plenty of room to add protected bike lanes, or at the very least painted lanes.”
The above is excerpted from newsletter. This plan will get traffic flowing better and make cycling easier.
Bicycling in Greensboro (BIG) is starting this petition because bicycling is an integral part of our community. The City of Greensboro has an obligation to provide people with the safest conditions possible on public roads, regardless of their mode of transportation.
That‘s why I signed a petition to Deniece Conway, Engineering Supervisor, GDOT.
Will you sign this petition? Click here: