The best security starts with asking the right questions.  While I was speaking with a prospect yesterday, she asked me, “what security measures do you use on your own system?”

It’s a great security question.  A sign of good leadership is to not ask others to do what you are not willing to do yourself.  So, in that spirit, here is a summary of the things we at Tekmar do to harden our IT system from attack to the extent possible.

  1. Use best in class hardware firewall
  2. Use best in class anti-virus and malware detection software.
  3. Use best in class monitoring and management software
  4. Use best in class password management software
  5. Use best in class periodic external audits
  6. Use best in class IP providers
  7. Use both best in class cloud and local backup
  8. Use multifactor authentication for all devices
  9. Use best in class modern operating systems and software
  10. Use best in class data encryption
  11. Update promptly, stay modern 
  12. Have a regular external IT audit.

When was the last time you had a third party external audit.

The major breach that you just heard of has one thing in common with the others that you have heard about of the past couplpe years: they all thought they were safe.  A third party external audit is the best way to make sure your IT internal audits are doing there job.