Bye bye Firefox security first: Many admins Tekmar Solutions works with swear by the Firefox Browser. We like it too. But rarely use it with Office 365 or other transaction oriented situations. Admins will have to say bye bye to Firefox secure first effective in March 2017. In order to administer Intoune user’s account. Mozilla Removing Support for Silverlight and other NPAPI plugins effective March 2017.
Support will end for all NPAPI plugins except for Flash in March 2017, when Firefox version 52 is released. See this compatibility document and this article for details.
- Adobe Flash: Not Affected – Flash Plugin – Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems
- Java: Use the Java plugin to view interactive content on websites
- QuickTime: Use the QuickTime plugin to play audio and video
- Silverlight: Use the Silverlight plugin to play audio and video
- Adobe Acrobat: Use the Adobe Reader plugin to view or download PDF files
- Windows Media: Play Windows Media files in Firefox with the Windows Media plugin
There are security concerns with interface used by the different plugins. This is a good thing especially for admins that are security aware. Say bye bye to Firefox. Tekmar recomends using the Chrome and Internet Explorer for most browsing situations.
This article was inspired by Microsoft’s December 1 announcement.
Published On : December 1, 2016
Expires On : April 30, 2017
Mozilla, maker of the Firefox Browser, is removing support for Silverlight in version 52 of the Firefox browser, effective March, 2017.
How does this affect me?
Administrators will no longer be able to login to the existing Intune console using Firefox versions greater than 51.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
Updated April 2, 2019