by Will_Best | Feb 3, 2014 | Clouds, Desktop Apps
Avoid being the victim of data theft What would you do if your data got into the wrong hands? Or what would you do if you just can’t access? Is your confidential information protected against attack? Just think of the damage this could do to your reputation. It...
by Will_Best | Jan 30, 2014 | Clouds, Desktop Apps, MSO 365
The Spell-Checker in Microsoft Office products is extremely useful. The actions of the Spell Checker can easily be initiated by the user which for most people is essential. Spelling mistakes are repetitive, which means a word-processor, to borrow an antiquated term,...
by Will_Best | Jan 27, 2014 | Clouds
Microsoft has settled on a new name for its personal cloud product and will soon be rebranding SkyDrive as OneDrive. Microsoft was forced to rename SkyDrive after losing a trademark suit in the United Kingdom to the British Sky Broadcasting Group in July 2013....
by david | Jan 22, 2014 | Clouds
Tekmar’s system management services help clients maximize their technology investment while reducing costs. Our free thirty day trial will give a business or home PC user the information needed as the April 8, deadline for getting out of a Windows XP computer...
by Will_Best | Jan 20, 2014 | Clouds
ITB power is using decentralized computing, what people commonly refer to as cloud computing in limited strategic ways to leverage and pay for only what one needs. The most important technology questions for todays small and medium business are: What critical events...
by Will_Best | Jan 15, 2014 | Clouds
The benefits are priceless the consequences of not doing so could be excessive. From a programming standpoint “Windows 8.1 brings enhanced support for in-app file management, new ways to interact with user content through libraries, and the ability to push your...