This post details why training people to watch for danger signs is a great start and important to information security. It offers several tips and tricks to make it easier for home and business users. Training is not enough it’s a mindful approach that makes the most sense.

Training people to watch for danger signs:

Training people to watch for danger signs is  better that connecting the dots after a breech. The number one job of everyone using computers. It’s sad, and does not sound like the thrilling skills that we want to cultivate but it is business critical. The current state of the information age has us using systems designed by technologists with little mindfulness of where the  world will take them.

Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address,said as much.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.” 


Earlier this year even though we had talked extensively, had meetings and training sessions about it, the general counsel of one of our best clients was hacked because he was using the same password on multiple systems and was compromised by a spear phishing exploit. Technology has become big business for organized crime.

The fact is that most information security practice is about connecting the dots. But this is backwards, the most important is training people to be mindful of their technology use. Today it takes more than the basics.

  1. Change your password.
  2. Use complex passwords.
  3. Never share your password.
  4. Never re-use passwords for more than a single resource .

are fine tenants. be aware of the details. And to practice safe computing by using a mindful human algorithm. Here is how it works. Choose a short 4-7 word phrase that you can easily remember. I am using different passwords everywhere. This six word phrase can be used an and reused with this system. Here is a quick training exercise to learn how it works: Morgan Wright’s password program.

Blending mindfulness and technology is key and moves beyond training. Starting with awareness that threats are real and that people have the power to make a difference makes real sense. Training people to watch for danger signs is  better that connecting the dots after a breech.